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Is it possible in PRO E?

Thanks buddy.

when in an assembly, you can toggle transparency of an individual component on and off easily by selecting the component, then selecting <VIEW> <DISPLAY STYLE> <TRANSPARENT>

to change it back, <VIEW> <DISPLAY STYLE> <SHADED>

this is easier than changing the transparency of the color of the part when you want to go back and forth between transparent and opaque.
In assembly mode you can use Hide and Unhide on the model tree - it's a lot easier then fussing with all of the view options.
jraquet said:
In assembly mode you can use Hide and Unhide on the model tree - it's a lot easier then fussing with all of the view options.

the problem with hide/unhide is that if the part is embedded in a subassebmly, when you want to unhide it, you have to find it in the model tree first.

if you change it to transparent so you can see what's happening underneath it, when you're done, you can still easily pick it on the screen and change it back to opaque.

like many things in CAD, there's more than one way to do something, just need to decide what the best one is at the time.
Unhiding a component that is buried in the model tree is easy if you want to unhide all.

There's a button for that...
dross said:
Unhiding a component that is buried in the model tree is easy if you want to unhide all.

and if you don't want to unhide all?

i have mapkeys to toggle between transparent and shaded. pick the component and hit my mapkey. just as fast as hide/unhide
Speaking of finding parts that are burried in subassys, "there is a button" for that also. (not by default thooo, you have to add it yourself) If you got it, Just click on the part on your screen, hit the button and the modeltree will expand the right subassy and show you were the part is located. Pretty useful, specially when working on other peoples assemblys. The "button" works in partlevel too, just highlight a feature, click and the modelltree shows you the location. Useful when a part contains a lot of groups...


the problem with hide/unhide is that if the part is embedded in a subassebmly, when you want to unhide it, you have to find it in the model tree first.

if you change it to transparent so you can see what's happening underneath it, when you're done, you can still easily pick it on the screen and change it back to opaque.

like many things in CAD, there's more than one way to do something, just need to decide what the best one is at the time.
I personally use "one" under the view command menu. My only gripe is that it opens the feature tree for the selected model. Pretty minor complaint with a huge payout in my opinion. Finding where a dowel pin rod is in a huge assembly is impossible otherwise.

If anyone knows anything else that's better, let me know!

In Creo 2.0 (we use M060), you can highlight the part, right-click & Locate in Model Tree - as markkraz says, it also opens the feature tree for the model.
Hobby_man , Markkraz pointed it out for you.


(I have been away from this forum for a couple of months and since its a new layout i didn´t find where to attach pics, now i found it thoo..)
Hobby_man , Markkraz pointed it out for you.


(I have been away from this forum for a couple of months and since its a new layout i didn´t find where to attach pics, now i found it thoo..)

AH! too bad for me, I'm on WF4.0
That icon is from WF4.0. You should be set. It's under the View submenu in your menu commands customization. Towards the bottom
Hide / Unhide is the Solidworks way which is one reason SW can't conduct business properly with large assemblies. Use Style (not to be confused with ISDX style feature) to do it. Much better way to manage transparency.

