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Another PTC loss...


New member
I see that PTC reported (duh) another loss. And, on top of that, said that they were going to add another cost cutting measure for next year. Are they going to learn or go belly up?

Steve C
Are they going to learn or go belly up?

If you don't like the company or software then don't use it.
If you don't like the company or software then don't use it.

Now that is one response I sure don't understand:

1) Who said they didn't like the software ??

2) Telling people to not use Pro/E sure isn't helpful - do you want PTC to go under ??
The intention that I was getting from the statement was negative. I apologize if I was strong in my remarks.

There is so much bashing about how Pro/E is this or does that I just get alittle tired of hearing it. The software has provided a very good life for me for the 13+ years I've been using it.

So again I apologize swcalvert if it out of context.
used to work for PTC as a consultant.

they, again, just laid off 500 services workers (AE, Consultants, Trainers...) so what more can they do? they started realizing that they were getting outbidded on services so they are pulling out of that. there are companies private contractors everywhere that will do the same job for much cheaper.

ptc is going through the same problems most companies are going through right now. remember the economic state of the country isnt all that good for anyone.

also, IMO, they need to focus on there core products that got them where they are and stop messing around with lifecycle management software like windchill. it was a trend that has now died and it really side tracked the development and improvement of pro/e for a while. i think/hope thats been changed.
Look, there's no need to apologize, I'm in the same boat. After all, you only said 21 words.

I agree with what jtbland has to say, focus on there core products that got them where they are and stop messing around with lifecycle management software like windchill.

I want PTC to succeed, I may even own some stock.

Steve C
ptc is going through the same problems most companies are going through right now. remember the economic state of the country isnt all that good for anyone.

Sure they are but PTC's problems started long before this downturn..
ptc is going through the same problems most companies are going through right now. remember the economic state of the country isnt all that good for anyone.

That might explain one or two quarters, maybe even a full year but PTC's competitors are turning a profit. IMHO management needs to change and that's not going to happen unless the company is bought out.

As far as the lifecycle management I believe that has been the only sector in which they have been profitable. My gripe is that the marketing is so confusing that it's really hard to tell what's what. They do the same thing with Pro/E with regard to the different packages and modules and in both cases they keep changing the name of things.

I think integrating the design software with other aspects of the buisness is a good thing and the natural extension of PDM. I only wish PTC would commit to interoperability more whole heartedly. Pro/E is fine at exporting data but trying to manipulate imported data is just about impossible. And don't get me started on AutobuildZ

Hey!! They can definetly survive all the jobs if they can think of putting them all to creating some more creative work ... things like Pro-E! It's a wonderful software. More softwares like these would change the face of computers!!
I wonder how long it will take before PTC's tech support has an Indian accent? Things that make you go hmmm.
> Can the current executive team turn things around?

I think not. I'll bet the executive compensation hasn't shrunk in proportion with the salarys of those areas where they've been making cuts. What'da ya think?

Of course they're not going to fire themselves so either the Board of Directors will have to do it (not likely) or the company gets sold.

Its not that we don't love Pro-E (I do), but as admins and management we also have watch where we are investing our time and money in developing our product. I worked for years for a company using Cadds5. Urrrr, the time came when we were concerned with how long it would be around. The rest is history. That is why I would ask how long it will be around.
I know that if PTC lowered their prices on the software, my company would buy all kinds of crap. We would get Mechanica, Mold Design, possibly ISDX... We don't get any of this stuff because 1.) my company is cheap & 2.) it is too expensive, even if we weren't cheap.

And when I say lower the prices, I don't mean that crappy deal they give at the end of the year, 10-15% or whatever it is, I mean lower the prices of the whole package. $5000 for a basic seat? Ridiculous.
I think that Proe will be very difficult to survive in the future 5-10 years.

It will be a very difficult time for them

As i was told in the past, in the future only two or one company will survive, which will sell everything (Proe, CATIA, UG, and so on), depends from the company. All the softwares will be such the same with different interfaces.

So my opinion is that an engineer with a knowledge of proe has nothing to fear.

It took me 6 months to enter to CATIA world and i can tell that it is much like proe, with some differences of course...

10g, the prices have come down. Look at what it costs a couple of years ago for the basic package and you'll see the change. I have a problem with PTC not seeing that some companies have allot of off maintenance packages that are not being used. Why don't they just let me turn on what I need and then see how much money they'll make. It doesn't cost them (PTC) a dime to turn on a Mechanica seat, but once on, PTC will see $$$$ more the new maintenace that'll I pay.

Steve C

