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Recent content by hbrown48

  1. H

    Appropriate Compounds/materials

    This is a very interesting thread and to be honest I never thought about this. I am also of the opinion that this is very hard to answer.I will definitely check all power tools I have at home because now I am interested in the materials used for the housings. Most of the time I prefer power...
  2. H

    New Workstation vs. Upgrading Old

    Considering the current machine you are on, I don't think the additional cost of getting an entirely new system will be probably to contend with. I mean, it is already a good system to begin with so probably upgrading to a new system would only be an option if it starts to falter down. You can...
  3. H

    somethings got my goat about SW

    I have to agree, it is a component that should be implemented into the feature inside, but it rather exposes itself to the tree in one way, making it very hard to do some editing and access. I reckon that it would be a lot better if you gain access to it through a separate model by which you...
  4. H

    Plastic housing of impact drill

    Are you talking about an external case you are going to make to carry your impact drill around? Or am I taking it differently here? Based from experience, most hammer drills already come with a carry case so there should be no problem with that. Though if you would still be planning on making...
  5. H


    Well, I am not really that moved to join the google+ bandwagon yet as I am not sure I would like to mix some level of professional work with a social networking site. I mean, yes they are two separate entities but your account would be tied to google's extended services like the mail box and...