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’08 render issues


New member
Hi Guys,

I have models that I could render to file with ease in '07 to a high resolution with a non-approved video card and 2Gb of RAM.

Now I have SW '08, 4Gb of RAM, approved video card in a brand new, clean PC and very often get "not enough systen resources" "model too big" etc.

I only purchased a seat and was promised 1 month of support only with subscription...fair enough I thought, but they wont even let me have the latest SP (3) which was current at the time of purchase.

I am finding it a very frustrating experience.

HELP!!! anyone?



i've just in stalled 2008 and it renders like a dogs balls. don't know what they did to it but i've decided to download 2009 and try to render on that. what a mess how can solidworks release such crap.

