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2 companies 1 server


New member
Hi- I am trying to consolidate a couple of older servers to one newer, not yet ready to migrate intralink but need toupgrade to new hardware. Anyone know if itspossible to have 2instances of intralink 3.x database/fileserver on a single Windows server?Can 2 seperate companies run offoneserver ? I know it's possible to have 2 or more oracle databases running under different instances.

Yes it is possible as long as you cane network connection between the 2 companies, but do a test first because network have to be realy good or it will be very slow, and can give some problems with strange errors.

You can have 2 seperated installation in one server in at least 2 ways.

1. A special installation with 2 different databases with different naming (SID). I think you will need to have a very good knowledge of Intralink and orcale to be able to do that.

2. Install vmware server ( It is free., but you will need 2 licenses of windows. With vmware you can make a virtual server. This virtual server will run just like a seperated server. PTC does not support this, but theyare using it all the time for training and support. I do also use it.

Solution 2 will use more CPU and RAM, but if you have the knowledge to do a basic Ilink installation then you will not need to get help from intralink and oracle specialists.
There won't be a network issue, both companies working in the same buildingwhen we centralized ITand brought the 2ndserver in house. I am good with Oracle, a little less with Intralink but could probably hash it out on a test system. I would like to find more information on your first scenario, anyone have a whitepaper on this?



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