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2 offset holes connected at angled plane


New member
hello all,

i'm trying to create 2 offset blind holes with a passage between the 2 at an angled datum plane. in this example i created the desired passage shape by extruding the holes as surfaces and intersecting those with the datum plane. however, i can't figure out how to then solidify the blind holes or passage to remove material for the final model.

in the pics the hatched area represents the desired passage between the 2 holes located along datum plane 4.

here is the example file

any help would be much appreciated.

<a href="uploads/jeramybailey/" target="_blank">
</a><a href="uploads/jeramybailey/" target="_blank">
You need to createtwo flat surfaces on the angled plane and join one to each cylinder. After that join the resulting surfaces and then solidify the resulting surface to remove material. If you would like to see a picture of my results I'll post a picture tomorrow.
You also might want to use "cap ends" to close the extrudes before merging with the surf as Kdem described. ( cap endislocated under "option" in the extrude feature ).

I don't follow the need for the surface geometry at all...why not just create these features (surfaces) as solid cuts to begin with?
kdem, a picture would be great.

kdem/tobbo, thanks for the suggestions. i've yet to get the time to try them out.

elab.theken, i could only figure out how to visually show the desired passage (hatched area in above pic) by using surface geometry.

extruding the holes as solids would be ideal. however, i don't know how to extrude them to the angled plane and a specified depth.

if i place another plane at the specified depth and choose the extrude to plane option i can only select one plane to extrude to. ideally i could select the plane at the specified depth and the angled plane but it doesn't seem that's an option.
Here are pictures for both options. Starting with your original post I trimmed the cylinders using the angled plane. After trimming the cylinders they will be open so you need to create a flat surface on the angled plane to close the hole.

Create a copy of the flat surface and join them with the cylinders (two merge features each one merging a cylinder with a flat surface using the join option).

Merge the new surfaces using the intersect option.

You can then solidify the feature.

The second option is to extrude or create a hole feature up to a surface.

