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2D - - - > 3D conversion


New member
Good morning all,

Its something related with 2d --> 3d.

ok, i am having AutoCAD file now. Is this possible to move this sketch (from AutoCAD) to Proe's sketcher mode. so tat i can do some extrude or watever it may be..


good luck all...

In either sketcher or part you can select:

Sketch > Data from File > File System...

And select a DWG or an IGES file.

It will import as a dimensioned object: I recommend setting the scale to 1.000 directly.
As above, you can import a sketch if it is just for one feature. If you have a full drawing with multiple views, you can use the autobuildz_enabled yes option to let you construct multiple features from the AutoCAD geometry.
I've never been able to copy and paste anythinginto Sketcher(WF4), but I knowyou can bring in an external sketch quite easily to the sketcher environmentby selecting a pull-down menu option command(in sketcher mode). Select Sketch>Data from File>File System... and then change the file type to .sec and browse to your section file. Hope this helps
One thing worth mentioning here,when importing AutoCAD2D geometry into the Sketcher environmentbe very careful after the import to check over all ofyourimported geometry's dimensions as the entities "may or may not" change due to theintent manager juggling how to constrainthe importgeometry. Sometimes this can be a real mess. More often than not, intent manager will constrain the sketch in a way that you really don't need or want. Then you need to manually constrain it, and if it's complex things turn nasty real quick.

If you must import very complex 2D geometry, add this:sketcher_import_exact_geom no into This option may help with gettingtheimport geometryall in there if Sketcher is having a hard time handling it.

Best to keep sketches simple, I think but sometimes you can't. Best Regards.
you obviously are trying to create a 3d model.

better to import the autocad sketch into a proe drawing. Remove all the dims and other geometry insignificant to your ultimate model. Adjust the entities so that you can export it again from the drawing with respect to the xy coordinate system where you want the sketcher cso to exist. I usually suggest a significant location. Then re-import that data back into the proe part as an import feature. in this way you can use a second sketcher to use edge onto the previous feature.

i did not re - read my post here but that workflow has worked for me for 10 + years.
Edited by: design-engine
Another option for you might be tocomplete your file geometry clean-up taskdirectly in AutoCAD,and onceyou have what you want, place all of your 2Dgeometry correctly with respect to the WCS origin(where you wantthe geometry originto exist).Next, move allof yourgeometry to layer 0 in acad, purge the drawing,dxfout,and then import that dxf into Pro/E in part modeusing Insert> Shared Data> From File... Select .dxf as your file type, browse to it...

You will be importingthe .dxf in part mode, not inSketcher mode. Next, create a Sketch feature in part mode. Here, for your geometry you will select the"use edge"iconto create your real geometry to complete the sketch. Now you have a newly createdsketch that can be used in any Pro/E feature you would need it for.

This procedure works great for anycomplicated 2D geometry you need to bringin to Pro, and don't need an actual paramaterized sketch to drive your feature. Acompany logo is one example of where I've used this procedure in the past.

Just remember, your sketch is not paramaterized, therefore, if any changes everneed to take place to your model you will be forced to reload a new .dxf file. Or bring the 3D model from Pro/E into CoCreate...

One more way to get'r done. Hope this helps.


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