I'm trying to analyze a latch mechanism assembly, mainly for stress. After an initial attempt, which failed, I decided load each part individually using calculated loads at the different pins joints.
This works on most of the parts, but I start having issues with the hook, which is another problem.
So, I tried to get more realistic and take another hack at the assembly, but I'm losing faith quickly. I HATE PRO E. This program, in every facet of the GUI, is unintuative and gives no direction for errors. There is limited tutorial help and a spiderweb of help links that may or may not get me what I'm looking for.
I've tried re-defining the links using interfaces and fasteners, but that doesn't work. I keep getting constraint errors, and nothing about this program makes sense. I'm just trying to realistically model this assembly, and Pro E makes it impossible!
Here is what I've tried so far:
And when I try to run, I get errors. No suprise. All ProE gives me is a bunch of code and tells me to go on a wild goose chase. I'm not a computer programmer; I'm an effin' mechanical engineer. Just make the program work, dammit, and tell what's wrong when it doesn't , IN PLAIN ENGLISH.
Shouldn't the interfaces take care of any part restraints. I don't see what else needs restraints, or how else to add mechanica restraints to bushings that have been pressed into parts, pins that are held in place by cotter pins, links that are held in place by other links, etc.
Again, I already took the time to put this together in Mechanism. Why on earth should I have to redefine every freaking joint, and / or change every dimension so there are gaps. It blows my mind how such an expensive program and be so difficult, frustrating, crashing, and utterly impossible. It's like PTC doesn't even have product testing, and designs this program for computer programmers rather than mechanical engineers.
The image below is not what I'm analying, but contains the linkage of interest. I am analyzing the driveshaft, busing & manifold mount, link pinned to driveshaft, latch, wall mount & 2nd (upper) link, and clevis pins connecting the two links to teh wall mount and the latch / hook.
View attachment 3847
This works on most of the parts, but I start having issues with the hook, which is another problem.
So, I tried to get more realistic and take another hack at the assembly, but I'm losing faith quickly. I HATE PRO E. This program, in every facet of the GUI, is unintuative and gives no direction for errors. There is limited tutorial help and a spiderweb of help links that may or may not get me what I'm looking for.
I've tried re-defining the links using interfaces and fasteners, but that doesn't work. I keep getting constraint errors, and nothing about this program makes sense. I'm just trying to realistically model this assembly, and Pro E makes it impossible!
Here is what I've tried so far:
<LI>Made sure my diameters for shafts and pin are the same as the holes.</LI>
<LI>Applied contact interfaces between all shaft / pin bearing surfaces.</LI>
<LI>Applied contact interfaces between all pin head surfaces and interlocking links.</LI>
<LI>Constrained my driveshaft.</LI>
<LI>Constrained my mounting manifolds.</LI>
<LI>Constrained my wall mounts.</LI>
<LI>Applied my 180# load to the link surface regions. </LI>
And when I try to run, I get errors. No suprise. All ProE gives me is a bunch of code and tells me to go on a wild goose chase. I'm not a computer programmer; I'm an effin' mechanical engineer. Just make the program work, dammit, and tell what's wrong when it doesn't , IN PLAIN ENGLISH.
Shouldn't the interfaces take care of any part restraints. I don't see what else needs restraints, or how else to add mechanica restraints to bushings that have been pressed into parts, pins that are held in place by cotter pins, links that are held in place by other links, etc.
Again, I already took the time to put this together in Mechanism. Why on earth should I have to redefine every freaking joint, and / or change every dimension so there are gaps. It blows my mind how such an expensive program and be so difficult, frustrating, crashing, and utterly impossible. It's like PTC doesn't even have product testing, and designs this program for computer programmers rather than mechanical engineers.
The image below is not what I'm analying, but contains the linkage of interest. I am analyzing the driveshaft, busing & manifold mount, link pinned to driveshaft, latch, wall mount & 2nd (upper) link, and clevis pins connecting the two links to teh wall mount and the latch / hook.
View attachment 3847