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3 Minutes silence - Dunblane


New member
I have permission from Admin to ask all UK members ( and others if they wish ) To join myself and others in a 3 minute silence to remember the children and their teacherkilled at a primary school in Dunblane exactly 10 years ago today.

If you wish to join this 3 minute silence, it will be starting at 3pm.

Kindest regards

May they be remebered in our hearts

Count me in.

I'm normally very restricted to entering anything in a forum that is not related to the original purpose of its creation. But I guess there's nothing wrong with showing we're all humans and remembering Dunblane, meanwhile admitting that good and evil both can reside within our being, with ourself as the final responsible of what part we care to sharewith society.

Thanks AHA-D and Red devil.. I will be in MCAD's Shout box at 2:55 ( GMT ) to ready to start the 3 min silence.

Thankyou to everyone who took 3 minutes from their busy days to remember the children who needlessly died 10 years ago.

Thankyou Jason for allowing me to use your forum.

Rest in peace babe's of Dunblane.

View attachment 1972

Edited by: tazbaby

