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3D cosmetic feature


New member
Ok, I give up. Can anybody tell me is it possible to create a cosmetic
sketch and extrude it to a depth? I'm trying to come up with a way to
annotate a Knurl on a model without using a note. The cosmetic thread
works just like I need but I can't use it because are third party
software sees it as a thread. I have turned Proe upside down and can't
find anything. It seems silly that you can't do something like this,
you know being a 3D cad system and all. I'm on WF3 but can use WF2 if
needed. Thanks
That's not going to work for my application, but thanks anyhow. If you create a Cosmetic thread and you see the purple 3D tude, that is what I need to be able to create.
Yeah, you can but Knurls are usually larger than the surface it goes on. This would create a unwanted appearance when someone used the solid view.

