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3D Curve

Hi S,

Create two or more surfacesthatinteresectalong the route ofyour desired curve.

Then to create your actual curve:Curve --> Crv options --> Intr. Surfs.

You then have options (in 2001)to selectyour fisrt set of"single" or "whole" surfaces--> (select surface) -->Done

Then same options to select your second (intersecting) set of surfaces --> Done

and then should have your 3D curve at the intersection.....then layer off the surfaces.

Is this what you mean?


It might be easier to try "Curve" "2 Projections". This feature allows you to create a 3D curve by sketching its projection onto (from) two planes.

Hi -P,

I don't understand what you are trying to say. Actually my requirement
is to get a flange which passes through a curve which in bent on a 3D,
which actually passes through numerous planes.

Now hou can I look through your option? Can you kindly explain me with your detailed procedure.

Thanks for posting reply.



This "Curve, 2Projections",below in brown, is created by the two orthogonal sketches shown in blue. The resultant curve is the same as if you had created 2 extruded surfaces and then created a curve at their intersection.

You can make further additions to the curve by creating another curve and joining them by a "Curve, Thu Points" with tangency at their ends.


View attachment 486
Hi Paul,


Sorry, I am having problems on posting the exact jpg as it is going out
of the allowable size. However, I will definitely</><>be posting a
crude rep of model tomorrow.</><>

</>Sorry, that I took much time, Actually I saw your post, just
few minutes ago.

Thanks for posting reply once again.
Hi paul,

Once again, I sorry for taking so long time for posting the model and here it is. The procedure I have followed is

1. Created a surface of a cylinder,

2. Created 2 slant straight surfaces.

3. Created an intersecting surface normal to the cylinder and normal to the slant surface, so that I can extract the curve.

4. Created curves by intersecting surfaces option, blank all surf, and created profile with sweep.

Can I please have your comments, please and once again thanks for posting your reply and comments on this.

RaviView attachment 500

Is the curve in your image a helix? If so, you can use a helical sweep.

If not, send me the file and I'll take a look ati it. The image is a little hard to understand...


