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3D Modeling in AutoCAD Mechanical 2012


New member
I am learning how to do 3d modeling. I am trying to do a square to round piece that is made from metal. I started with a loft solid (shelled) but I am not so sure that is the way to go as I am having difficulty with chamfering the corners. Not sure lofting is the best way to do it. It also doesn't show me where the breaks would be in the metal as it is formed. The other question I have is can once I make the model is there a way to get a flattened developed view of it?
In autocad u can't flatten your sheetmetal blank or lofted shape.Use fast blank or hyperform or cad software's sheetmetal module for solving sheetmetal problem.

The method u have used from moving from rec to circular can be done only through loft in autocad.

