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A quick way to attach the material


New member
Hello guys

I am just sitting and thinking about the way to quick attach the materials for components.

So first I thought that maybe it would be possible in model tree by adding special column in the same way as it is with parameters, but no way.

Of course You are able to put MP_DENSITY by the column and it somehow a solution, but I would better want to attach whole material not just mp_density, any idea?

each model which contains solid geometry after applying a material can gives you an info about mass. So, the material is the set of properties like density, Young Modulus etc, which a stored in special file. This file user has to attach manualy each time You create a model
You can create a mapkey that will automatically click through all the picks to set a material and then have it automatically go to your Materials library where you can select it. Then run another mapkey that will automatically run the mass_props along with any regenerations needed. Hope this helps.
I agree, mapkey would be the way to go...unless you want to have start parts for different materials

Good first post ehorton ....

Welcome to the forum
yeap ehorton is right, thx man

I`ve just a hope for the hidden function that exist in Pro\e and which I do not know:)))

have all a nice weekend!

