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About Mechanica and dynamic analysis!

Olivier Mvudi

New member
Good day everybody!

Is it possible possible to do a static analysis of a model under motion condition like speed ,acceleration in mechanica? ...Because i have tried which was still unsuccessful.I know that we can transfer load from dynamic mechanism to Mechanica-structure.But i did not manage to get it under motion condition.Tutorials,articles ,any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Mvudi Olivier
you want to make a static analyse with motion in mechanica ? Nonot possiblein my opinion !!!
You will need a model in MECHANISM (with MDO license) and first perform a dynamic analysis over there. Then you can export the loading on a part with the "use in structure" option (WF4: in the FILE menu while in MECHANISM, WF3: in the EDIT menu while in MECHANISM). This will produce a window with options how and on which time the loading on that part will be saved IN THE PART FILE. Then take the part (not the assembly) to MECHANICA and insert the loadcase "from MECHANISM" from theINSERT menu. You will get all the loads ands moments on the connections and you will get gravitational/centrifugal loads for the motion dynamics. EDIT each of the loads to assign it to the actual geometry surfaces (MECHANISM works in the centerpoints of the connections which may not actually be on or inside the geometry) and use the inertia relief option in the analysis definition in order to automatically constrain the part and you will have a static analysis of the part under motion conditions.

Good Luck.
do you have an example assembly(mechanism) that you can send me with the load/forces on, then I can make you a small movie on how to do it.( how to get mechanism reaction loads into mechanica)


Edited by: banjan
Hi all!

Thanks very much for your contribution,Victor i understand very well what you havemeant since ihave tried it .But it seems to me that it is not possible to havea staticanalysis at each time of motion of the whole assembly that whati am interesred in.But if worse come to worse it will do it that way.Please if there is better advice send them to me.Banjam i'll send you the model.Which software can handle that?

Thanks again.


Olivier Mvudi
Good day Everybody. Need help in running the analysis
Here's the issue I faced with -
While running the Analysis first time , got following message - Compilation Failed. Additional information may be available from outside of Mechanica Motion by examining the Engine's Log file.
Exit Mechanica Motion and than type 'mmwatch'.
When I open the message log, the last 4 lines say -
-Generating Equation of Motion
-Compiling Equation
-Compiling Environment
-Linking Simulator program
-Disconnecting from the Mechanica motion Engine.

