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Active part in assembly - settings


New member
Hello everybody,

I have a question regarding some assembly settings. For example I have an assembly in which I created some parts. I activate one of my parts and I need the other parts to be somehow less visible so that I can concentrate on my active part. Also, I need to know if there is any setting that I can make so that when I have an active part it will be the only one that can show planes, axes, etc... in an assembly.

I hope you understood my question. Excuse my English.

Thank you.
you have a couple of choices here.

or using view manager make a new style to blank what you don't want to see.
Thank you for your answer. Unfortunately there is no dim_inactive_components option in

I am using pro-e wildfire 2. I am looking for a general method for any assembly because this is the way I want to work. I like modeling parts directly in assembly mode and the above settings would be very useful to me in this situation.
I use layers to control datum features. Turn off layers (hide), save layers, at part and assembly levels. Keep a standard naming convention; it helps. You can set rules, add to and start parts/assys.
ovi_gm said:
Thank you for your answer. Unfortunately there is no dim_inactive_components option in

This is a WF4 setting. I'm not sure there is anyway to do it in WF2.
I have a similar question. When you activate a part in an assembly, can you see the features of that part in the model tree?

Right now when I activate, everything else transparents out, and the activated part gets a little green star in the symbol, but I can't select any individual features and the part doesn't expand in the model tree.
And to keep those settings save a settings file and load it using the option mdl_tree_cfg_file.

