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add point to spline in sketcher


New member
Hi all,<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
Is there any way to add a point on a spline in sketcher. When you click the spline, and then modify, a dashboard menu comes up, on which one of the tabs says point. However I cannot add a point there. Any clues, or is it a modify_spline_in_sketcher yes/no config option?

while in the spline modify mode select an existing point (LMB). then right click (RMB), you should get an option to add or delete a point. It is similar to when you add a point to a round.



Edited by: magneplanar

Thanks to those who responded,

I posted this to another forum as well, and got the following answer:
It was pointed out by several that I had to RMB on the spline, hit RMB, then modify, the dashboard comes up, then I hover over the spline, RMB, and now I have the menu for adding a point.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
In addition I received this:
Double click the spline to where the ends turn to white cross hairs.
Wherever you want to add a point on the spline just right click and add point.

Simple. Not a lot of RMB.


I noticed the point switch to cross hairs. I think that hovering technique is awesome :)

So I take it you took my suggestion one step further and reduced button clicks? I am way to impatient to "hover" waiting for cross hairs haha...If you are going to be that efficient you will be done long before quitting time and have to sit around reading these bulletin boards...hehe...j/k



