I am a vb.net Developer working with PRO-E wildfire.I need some Suggestions in windchill Server.I am able to connect to the windchill server and get the server details .Now my next step is to Automate the process "ADD TO WORKSPACE" whichadds the part to local Workspace in VB.net
Please Help me to get out of this Problem
.Any code Expamples would help me a lot
I am a vb.net Developer working with PRO-E wildfire.I need some Suggestions in windchill Server.I am able to connect to the windchill server and get the server details .Now my next step is to Automate the process "ADD TO WORKSPACE" whichadds the part to local Workspace in VB.net

Please Help me to get out of this Problem
.Any code Expamples would help me a lot