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Adding and Deleting dimensions


New member
I have just bought the Wildfire student/personal edition and am going through the tutorials. When I am in the sketcher mode I am having trouble either adding or deleting dimensions. When adding, I will click the Normal icon for creating dimensions, click on the line I want dimensioned but nothing happens.

When I am trying to delete a dimension, I will click on the dimension I want deleted, click on thethe middle mouse button to bring up a menu, click delete, but the dimension will not go away.

Also, Is there a way to dimension from a part of the drawing to a reference line?

> click on the line but nothing happens

Pick the line, MMB to place the dimension.

> delete, but the dim won't go away

Are you trying to delete Weak dimensions?

Help on Sketcher has some pretty detailed descriptions and explanations re dimensioning. It's worth a read if you haven't.

