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Adding Dims in Sketcher


New member
Hey All,

I'm working with WF4 for the first time and I've already run into a snag. I want to manually add dims in sketcher so click the "Normal" button (seems like a wierd name for add dim). Anyway, I get a dialog box that says "Select 1 Item" with an OK or Cancel button. I can't can't seem to pick anything with any of the mouse buttons. It's almost like it doesn't trust me to add my own dims. If anybody has any ideas, I'd appriciate it.


I think your Intent Manager was disabled.
Reason I think this is you referred to the "Normal" button and not Dimension icon.

Sketch > Intent Manager will be the only option shown

Select the option to enable it.

If you get an under dimensioned section error with red dots you will have to use AutoDim and Regenerate the section before being allowed back into the Present interface without the Menu Manager.

I had previously tried to respond and added a long section on v18 I started on and when the interface was improved with Intent Manager which luckily for you didn't post.

I get the same thing if you let the mouse hover over the iconand Intent Manager is turned on. If it's off a dialog menu shows up. Have you used ProE before? I only ask because it sounded like you were expecting a dimension to show when you select an entity. You need to middle mouse click on the screen to place the dimension before it shows. Do you have highlighting turned on so you can see what you are selecting? Does the item turn red if you select it? What is the selection filter set to?
Yep, I'm a Pro-E noob. I've been using Catia for 13 years, but I need to PE to my repertoire. You're right, I would think I click the normal button and pick a feature and boom a dim shows up. I know I have the problem of trying to think of how Catia would do it. I'm lucky sketcher is anywhere close between the two.

Entities turn red after I click them twice. Intent Manager is turned on.

Thanks for the replies. I'll keep trying.
Picking the entity twice is probably causing the problem. Try selecting the entity once then the middle mouse button and see if you get a dimension. Of course this will depend on the dimension you are trying to create (you may need to make two selections before selecting the middle mouse button). When selecting the entity twice do you get a message something like specified dimension could not be created in the message area?

