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Adding new material + unit conversion

Asho Pulsar

New member
Hi guyz,

Whypro-e got its own material units for specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity?

The units for specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity shown in all the websites are J/kg/K and W/m K respectively. I need to add some material properties so i searched a lot in google, i cudnt able to get the unit conversion.

Doesanybody having any idea about the unit conversion for this particular thermal properties.
Edited by: Asho Pulsar
It's based on the system of units chosen and the values setup as the base units. Take a look at Info in the Units Manager. Since W=N*m/s, for the mmNs system W=N*mm/s (converting meters to millimeters) and converting temperature from Kelvin to celsius. When you cancel the units you get for thermal conductivity you get N/(sec C). For the mmKs system W is converted to W=(kg*mm^2)/(s^3*C) using N=kg*mm/s^2. Canceling units for thermal conductivity you get (mm kg)/(s^3 C).
So Kd2007,you mean to say, I can use the same value of Thermal conductivity and Specific heat capacity for a particular material in J/Kg/K and W/mKright...
Edited by: Asho Pulsar
Yes, the ProE units are simplified which is why they look the way they do. For your thermal conductivity, W/mK, your units are the MKS system. ProE uses W=(N*m)/sec. Simplifying the units you get N/(sec*K). When you set up the material select the N/(sec*K) and enter the value. If you needthe valuein a different system of units select the appropriate units and select convert value. You candetermine the units neededin the Units Manager by selecting info.

