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Adding Parameters


New member
Wildfire 2.0 m130

I need to add a New Parameter to hundreds of parts. Is there an easier way to do this rather than opening up each file and making the change there?

I can't tell you how to go about it but believe a function of ModelCheck is what you want. Might search for the term or maybe someone will be kind enough to post an outline of the procedure.

Might also be possible running a trial file in batch mode?
Not exactly a step by step, but hopefully this will lead you to a solution.

1) add your parameters to a part

2) in Intralink, add columns to display the parameters

3) highlight all the parts you need to add parameters to including the one from step 1 and press F2 (Modify)

4) now you should be able to "add" the parameters by double clicking in the Modify Attributes window

Edited by: telecomguy

Just kidding. Looks like you'll have to go the route of a Trail file & Batch routine. I'll try to outline it in a little while. Gotta run.

Edited by: telecomguy
If all or most of your components are in a single top level assembly
you can add parameters to components via the model tree about 50 times
faster than opening parts one at a time.

Dell_Boy said:
If all or most of your components are in a single top level assembly you can add parameters to components via the model tree about 50 times faster than opening parts one at a time.


DB, that is awesome! I didn't know you select multiple parts and add parameters to all of them at once. Thanks for the tip!
Yes, thank you Dell_Boy! This will definitley save me some time.

It's amazing what some of you guys know.

"1001 tips PTC never taught you"....sounds like a bestseller to me.


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