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Adding Parametet to UDF var dim list


New member
I have model model lets with feature extrude,within that extrude length is mapped to parameter "ExtrudeLength".This mapping is done by - select extrude , extrude length dimension gets highlighted edited that name to "ExtrudeLength",Prompt is displayed asking for confirmation about setting relation accepted it.
Now I want to add this extrude feature as a UDF with the extrude length dimension,but when I tried to select this dimension an message shown "Can not select relation driven dimension".So
1.Is it not possible to add dimension/parameter to UDF var dim lis.
2.Is there any other way to add parameter to UDF var dim list.
If you don't want a parameter to drive the dimension in the part you're inserting the UDF to you can remove the relation driving the dimension and make the UDF afterwards. Then put back the relation.

If you want a parameter to drive the dimension in the part you're inserting the UDF to you don't have to add the dimension to variable dimension list. It will be updated when you insert it.


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