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Adding parts to simplified reps...


New member
I should know this... Is it possible to add parts to a one simplified rep without adding them to others. I know I can go back and exclude the part from the other reps but this is too much work with multiple reps.
Edited by: jelston
There are include reps and exclude reps. Reps are include by default.

If all the reps are created, or redefined to be exclude, then component added to a rep or to the master rep will not show up in the other reps.

You then have the opposite problem where a component that needs to be in all reps has to be added to each individually.

Be careful what you wish for.
A quick way to deal with wanting or not wanting an item in multiple simp reps is to add the the simp reps as model tree colums. you can then click in the colum for each component to choose from theavailable reps.

