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Adding reference geometry in assemblies


New member
Help! Is there a clean-cut way to add reference geometry between two independant parts in assembly? What I have in one part fully modeled with all my mounting holes, the second part is modeled but without any mounting features to the first part. I create an assembly and contrain the part in locate. Now I want to reference the hole in the first part to create the holes in the second part. When I do the everything looks fine in the assembly, but if I open the individual part the holes are not there. I tried saving and regenerating but nothing. I must be missing some command.

Thanks for any input;

Edited by: sonics
I think that in your assembly, when you try to add the hole you did not make your part as the active model so the hole is an assembly cut only. make sure that in your assembly first pick the part where you want to add the hole then RMB and pick active so that the part you have selected will be active and any feature that you add will reflect in that model.

Your suggestion worked. Maybe you can answer another question, one step further? By making the part active I was able to add one hole in reference to my first part, but how can I add several without placing one hole at a time?

Thanks for your help.

If the first ispart of a pattern of holes in the first part, you can ref pattern the hole that references it in the other part, I believe.

If you want to create many holes to your part you need to pattern your hole, it is either by radial or linear direction, Coaxial, etc., it dependson what you want. If your reference hole is a patterned hole you can easily pattern the hole by using the reference pattern and not by dimension. But, if your reference hole is not a patterned hole you need to create the hole with dimensional location. but, I suggest that if your reference is not patterned you need to pattern those holes to easily pattern the hole of the other part in reference to the other. so that if the location of the reference hole changes, the other part will follow by just regenerating the part.

