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additional csink default values in hole table


We (where I work) use creo 2. We use .hol tables that we've customized to have default values when using the hole command that comply to ASME recommandations. I see 4 columns in our .hol tables that control the dimensions of countersinks : csinkdiam, csinkangle, botcsinkdiam & botcsinkangle.
Obviously, the 2 former are used for the hole entry (1st surface) countersink, while the 2 latter are used at the bottom (2nd surface countersink).
But there are 2 different types of countersinks we may want to model at the entry (1st surface) of a hole : countersinks for clearing screw head in thru holes, and countersinks for thread entry in threaded holes. And of course, both have very different diameters.
Is there an additional set of columns that can be added to the .hol file, that is recognized by Creo 2, and that can provide different default values for thread countersink than for screw head countersinks?
Best regards,
I would love to know the answer to this as well. What I've been doing is manually overriding the default value in the countersink ( option hole_diameter_override=yes) and then manually going into the hole note and adjusting the countersink diameter because for some reason the note will not pull in the override value. This only works for flush holes (tapped or clearance) that need a lead in chamfer. Another option is to sketch the hole profile and create everything manually including the hole notation in the drawing and do it that way.

I'm lazy and would prefer to have Creo do most of the work for me as far as notations are concerned so I don't like to use the sketch option unless I absolutely have no other choice.
Yeah, agreed. I don't think it's being lazy, I just think it's reasonable in 2013 to expect from a CAD software to have all the dimension tables (and customizable ones) that are used for modeling holes compliant to ASME standards. We're not talking about anything fancy or exotic. Anyways :)
So I guess I'll keep doing what I did years ago with ProE 2000i, I'll look at the table I've printed and pinned on the wall over my computer screen, and type the c'sink diameter manually.

