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Advise needed from Pro Mechanica Legends


New member
Dear Pro/ Mechanica Users,
I am really planning to buy my Pro/ Mechanica seat from PTC. Before having a training and buying this product, I need to know from you as experts your suggestions. I designed my new cloth peg which is a solid plastic part made from Acetyl material. It is totally different from previous designs. Modeling this part seems easy but producing Plastic tool is impossible from production, cost point of view. It is similar to
My Question to PTC Engineers/Consultants./ Pro Mechanica Experts!!
What was the reason, PTC has separated thisfatigue analysis from Pro Mechanica?. As you can see even though If we buy Pro mechanica from PTC, It is sadto see thatI can't achieve my design goals to check against fatigue failure. Can I? Simply not.

What elsewe can't do with Pro mechanica along?

What about estimation of factor of safety?What about analysing the general modes of failure? ( yielding, fracture,Shearing,Tearing,compressive ,deflection,Buckling,)What about multi axial stress situation? example: thin walled pressure vessel designs. & Thick wall pressure vessel designs.??
With 80% to 90% of all structural failures resulting from fatigue. Think of the advan­tage you
That was a lot of BS without answering your initial question about separate product, right?

Main reason for being separate from the beginning was that they bought the code for fatigue advisor from NCode. Why it isnt integrate today? Probably marketing reasons.

Did some trials with it when it was new but the lack of proper material models for cast iron made it useless for most of my applications. They were too far off with life expectancy compared to lab tests to be of any use.

Would be interesting to hear if they can do accurate estimation on your platic designs today

