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Airfoil Blade


New member
Hi guys,

Did somebody designed a NACA Airfoil profile on Pro/E before, I have a project that consists ondesign a fan with an airfoil profilesfor the blades -maybe a NACA 4-5-, to make it more quit, but I
Given a correctly formatted table of point info.

Your sketch needs a csys, and a short spline, select the spline, rt click and choose modify, in the control panel you have the choice to read in the point file and associated it with the sketch's csys. x is alway right and y up, so create the sketch oriented as needed.

You can explicitly define the end slope of the splines by an angular dimension at the end of each spline. Lets see. You need something else to dimension to, like a centerline. Pick the spline, crtl click the end of the spline, ctrl click the centerline, middle click to place the dimension.

BUT... Those tables generally have far more points than proe needs for good control of the spline. Judicious removal of points from the table can make the spline smoother, easier to adjust.

Depending on one's technique, it can be advantageous to have the top and bottom of the airfoil as separate curve features.

oh, and think the ends have to be dimensioned/constrained but it's been a long time since I did it for real.

Edited by: gkbeer
Hello gjbaarda,

Funny thing, this is exactly what i'm doing this very moment (create airfoil from equation). I use this option to create models a a wind turbine blade. The airfoils I use are described by 5 equations. To desribe the blade I give an airfoil every ca 1m. this means that for a 40m blade I have to create about 200 curves from equation. this Is quit some work therefor I would like to automate this proces.

My question now is:

is it possible when you create a datum curve from equation,to refer to an ascii file containing the equation insteadof copying the equation into the rel.ptd?? this would help me a lot.
Very simple naca airfoil points

Just import the naca airfoil data into excel make sure you adjust the coordinate according to chord length now make columns xyz z should zero .
in creo go new part>point----offset coordinate system>select item >select that PRT_CYCS_DEF thing >click the box under name >click update values --- a txt will open now copy paste ur execel data one save it done
now use spline tool to make a curve
thank you

Hi guys,

Did somebody designed a NACA Airfoil profile on Pro/E before, I have a project that consists ondesign a fan with an airfoil profilesfor the blades -maybe a NACA 4-5-, to make it more quit, but I
6 years is not too long for NACA since NACA is pre NASA post WWII

We teach an aircraft surfaces workshop at Design Engine (the way general Atomics does it BTW) and use cross sections from this website for the classes. Pre req is the one week surfacing intensive then this class is two day. This class is geared to ME's who want to work in teams with Aero Dynamics engineers. [url] Education: Aircraft Surfacing intensive using Creo [/url] We also will be adding a FLUENT intensive for analyzing those surfaces. That new class will be for ME's as well not aerodynamics Masters grands. Design Engine is now an ANSYS training partner or something like that.

[url] Aero Forms[/url]
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