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analysis measure distance

I think that in the graphics window it always shows just 2 decimal places, where if you look in the results box in the measuring tool you will get however many significant figures you specified.

The analysis parameters will also follow the sig figs option.
option 1: add it to a drawing view and you can have 10 decimal places.

option 2: add the analysis as a parameter and show it in the model tree.
Thank you for all options you gaves me.

I already know how to get more digits using other way.

I just want to skip steps when I want measure in graphic area.
I have called PTC and asked about this limitation. They have no option to change the number of digits at this time. I was told to submit an enhancement request. I did that back in June. I guess that we need more people to do the same to get their attention.
If you use edit and click onthe dimension value you can select it with right button and select properties from the sub menu and then change the Decimal places options from 2 digits to something greater this works in modeling if you have 3 digits set as the default and .1875 when entered displays as .188. Once you change the num digits for the value no more rounding errors will be caused.

To mjcole_ptc

I think you are talking about 2D detail. I'm asking about analyse directly on the model with the feature analyse measure distance.
hi Vincedesign,

You can use theTools - Option - sketcher_num_dugits

set the value (in No.). I think You have got the Solution.

Way late to the game. I'm using WF3, and if I choose to do an analysis, I only get two decimal places in the graphics window. I however, get 4 decimal accuracy after editing the measure_sig_figures option to 4.

