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Analysis of plastic cover


New member
HI everybody,
I have a question related with structural analysis in promechanica,and to be more clear I send this picture in 4 steps.

I want to make analysis (stress, deflection, forces .. ) of the 4 plastic clips from the "cyan" cover, when I close it by press with hands (pic 1).Then we have bending of the clips until they click in the metal plate.
Iwould liketo analyse the necessary force for pressing, bending stress in clips,reaction forces in clipping area,and deflection of the clips? Everything is shown on the pictures.
I suppose that we have to use mechanism simulation and after that mechanica analysis, but I dont know how.
Please if someone knows how to calculate this let share wiht us.

PS: All necessary data for material properties is known.
I am working with WF 4.0

