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Angle alignment...


New member
I am having trouble aligning one of my parts to another.

Does Pro/E have some sort of angle alignment option where you can state 0 degrees between two faces even if they are far from each other, like other software?

View attachment 2686

I need to align the upright channel to be square with the mounting plate below. The channel is tangential to the sleeve.

Yes you can give an angle constraint by creating axis or edge allignment and then selecting two datum planes (when you do this you get angle option).

What I feel in your model is you can give tangential constraint with the cylinder and then make one face of the vertical component oriented with the base plate.


Deepak Bhat
Create an axis on both the members & make sure it passes thro datum surface.

now first align both the member axis & then again align the datum surfaces & u will be prompted to select an angle.
I still cannot create an angle alignment.

I have created additional axis on each part, but it still tries to align/mate them.

View attachment 2689

I cannot mate/align any datum planes between the two parts as their location is unknown due to the tangent constraint from above.

Can someone maybe explain further on how to create an angle constraint.
You can create a datum plane at an angle in any of the 2 parts you want to relate. Then in assembly create a mate or align with the angled datum plane, but set the relation to onlyhold orientation, not a fixed distance. This way one of the parts will rotate and obey to the other constraints.

ProE requires more work for this than "other software".


Its not that tough.Follow the steps in the any axis or edge in the component and align it with any axis or edge in the two planes NOW IT WILL ASK FOR ANGLE PLACEMENT.delete the axis align constrain if you dont need it.You will still have the angle placement


Deepak Bhat
I really appreciate all the responses and help. I finally got it.

Deepak thanks for the clip, very helpful.

Sure does require more work then other software, but got it in the end.

Cheers till next time...

Edited by: Vesh

