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Angular Dimension in Sketch


New member
Hi guys

Is it at all possible to visualize an Angular dimension as Deg --> Min --> Sec in Sketch mode or 3D part?

I have changed the ang_units options to ang_sec but nothing happens (except for drawings dimensions)

Tks a lot

Edited by: dpinho
I'm using WF2 and found that the only time you will see the angle in degrees, minutes, and seconds is after you have completed the feature with the angle. If you select the feature and right mouse click>edit the angle will display in those units. When editing the angle you have to enter it as a decimal value. I haven't foundan optionthat allows you to enter the value in degrees, minutes, and seconds.


Iam using WF4. I was wondering why we cannot input the angular dimensions in the sketch in the Degree - Minute format.

Whatever config i set, it changes only the display as Degree - minute. My aim is to enter the angle in degree - minute format.

This will be very handy in 3D modelling of the drawings in which they have in Degree - minute format. Its a pain to convert them using calculator every time.

Any way out?

