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animate mechanism fails


New member
Hi all,

I am trying to constrain a mechanism. Most of it works as intended. Now I am trying to put a cylinderView attachment 3196der in that will drive the thing, but it fails to connect. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I first assembled the cylinder as an assembly that had the rod as a mechanism, and it worked by itself.

I could not get it to connect in the mechanism assembly. So I figured on putting first the barrel in, and then putting the rod in after, but this I can't get to work either.

Anyone have an idea?


Hi Sip,

Tough to comment without more info, can you take a picture showing the mechanism constraints you currently have set? My guess is that you have a constraint conflict.


the barrel and the piston will be assembled on some pivot holes.

So make a plane thru the axis of those 2 holes.

Then assemble the barrel : allign axis of barrel with axis of pivot hole

and mate plane of barrel with the plane previously created.

Then assemble the piston: allign axis of piston with pivot hole

andall ign axisof piston with axis of barrel (or insert piston with barrel)

The trick is to have a plane thru those 2 pivot holes, and to assemble the barrel and piston on it.

View attachment 3197

I'm sorry I didn't respond earlier. I guess I clicked unwatch this forum.

I got it to work, but keep having issues with it. I have to be careful about moving it so it turns inside out. I can't seem to get the servomotor to work, so I have to drag it. I managed to make a number of snapshots to show the movement, and I can play those back. I've wasted a lot of time on this thing. Is there any tutorial for WF3 yet?


