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Any major improvements in WF 4.0?

1). Having the " Shade Closed Loops " and the " Highlight Open Ends " tabs in sketcher mode is brilliant.

2). I am now getting used to how in Assy mode the other parts go semi-transparent.

3).Merge Feature - We can now Merge more than two surfaces at a time ... brilliant !

4). I found a setting which Automatically makes your axis dimension a diameter tolerance ( instead of clicking centreline - sketch line - centreline ) etc. sketcher_dim_revolve_axis

A comment made about the file system, well its because its based around the Vista style. I agree its not brilliant, but I have got used to it. Just incase you are unaware, when browsing the files there is a " folder tree " tab ( underneath the tree window ) which allows you to search like previous wf releases.

So far, as a fairly basic user of pro-e.. I like it
FishNut said:
Despite this being in the Rant & Rave forum, I feel my previous remarks have hijacked this thread and steered it off topic. My apolgies to the original poster.

As for 4.0 once again, the Visual Basic. We live and die by customizing the software. I simply can't imagine anyone in a manufacturing environment using Pro/E out of the box. This tool could be the biggest improvement ever, at least for our company.

I think we hijacked it together. (I probably set off all kinds of "carnivore" keywords.) Anyhow, no worries i was the original poster.
So, have they made any improvements in the basic drawing package? I'm creating some right now, and the "click on the balloon to highlight, then click again to move it" thing is getting old. Does clean up balloons work any better?

I don't need any new wiz-bang features. I just want the basic stuff to work better and more efficiently.

I also wish it was easier to pick and choose what to balloon and have in a BOM. The REPEAT REGION, FLAT/recurse, FILTER, ETC. is complicated... Why not just havean easyway of saying "put these items in the bom" period.

Often I have a whole assembly shown, and only want to balloon the items that relate to a certain assembly stage, or functional group... It's very time consuming right now.
WF3.0 could create shaded views probably for PDF documentation ect. There were some problems when creating PDF's with respect to layers. All my surfaces came on when that was not my intention when creating the PDF. I bet that got fixed.... or I was doing something wrong in WF3.0
Oh yeah, drawing is brilliant. I opened a drawing I had just made in WF2 and most of the dimensions & gtols were invisible. Picking where I knew there really was something would bring them back until a pan or zoom made them disappear again. I shut it down & never started it up again. I'll try again next release.
dr_gallup, try retrieving the file through File > open instead of the embedded browser. this is a known issue fixed in M020
has anyone used the AUTOROUND feature extensively. I have played with it a few times and find it great. Was wondering if anyone else hada problem. I don't like the dialogue box for opening files, it wasn't broke, why did they "fix"it?!@#$%^
That highlight open ends is a powerfull option, but I also can't find what option it is so it will remain on in every sketch. Has anyone found the option name?



