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anyone see a demo of Creo 4.0 yet?


New member
I hear from some that there will be a new pattern tool that takes advantage of additive manufacturing. Have not confirmed that w/ PTC or anything so I can imagine tho that it will be cool.

Imagine optimizing a pattern on the inside of a missile head made of titanium where we optimize the ribs like a spider web as opposed to strait ribs. Just curious if anyone seen a demo yet.
Last time I looked at PTC's product calendar, there wasn't even a targeted release date for Creo 4. The support portal at seems to be having some difficulty now so I can't check.

SolidThinking's Inspire is marketed as being able to optimize structural elements based on the loads being applied. Maybe something like that?
When Grabcad had their GE engine bracket challenge a couple years ago, there were a lot of entries that used topology optimization, like this weird one.

Supposedly the programs use evolutionary algorithms so you end up with shapes like you would find in nature.

Autodesk is also doing it with their Project Dreamcatcher
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I'm hearing we're going to get to see a demo of Creo 4.0 at the NOPUG (Northern Ohio Pro/Users Group) on Mar. 24th. I have also heard there has been some attention given to additive manufacturing. I've only seen PowerPoint's on the topic, no live demo's yet. The only targeted date I've heard, so far, has been Oct. 1st.
I have seen a SolidWorks demo and it does optimize parts by changing the thickness of structural (or selected) members and analyzing them for strength. It really is cool. However, I don't believe it will create the kind of organic shapes seen in the "project dreamcatcher" deal from autodesk.
Anyone go to PTC WORLD? Any report on Creo 4.0? Lets have it. Demo of the new pattern tools for additive printing....
Anyone go to PTC WORLD? Any report on Creo 4.0? Lets have it. Demo of the new pattern tools for additive printing....

Every time I hear about news regarding the pattern tool I wonder if/when they'll implement a "fill" patterning tool that allows different spacing in X and Y direction :(
There are new options/patterns of lattice structure. For example, you can select a shelled piece of geometry and say that you want to insert some type of lattice inside the open volume within that geometry. Also, there is a 3D sweep that looks good.
in Creo 4.0 PTC did away with the 'smart' option for making selection sets. In my classes I found that the majority of users don't really know the basics of building selection sets. I found the majority of designers/engineers have 'smart' turned off at the anyways. Not sure how PTC has preformed the Creo update classes but 90+ percent of users have been doing it wrong.

Usually that decision to turn off that smart option is often forced upon the users by a Systems Admin level.

I guess I understand why they did away with 'smart' for Creo 4.0 Most people are frustrated with the user interface.
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Adding KeyShot seems like a big deal. Although using the same Creo materials is counterproductive. I hope the new renderer makes glass look better.

