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apple core duo & solidworks


New member
Hello . I want to know if anyone has tried to run and install solidworks on the new apple core duo imac with the intel chip in it. Thanks for any and all insight
I Have and love it. I have benchmarked it to a M90 dell and beat it. the only drawback so far is not being able to use realview rendering. But for me this is no problem.

Thanks Ben.

How long have you been running them together?

Did you order any specialupgrades, grafix card, or memory or anything? If not would you?

What version are you running?

I am still using 2003.

Thanks again...Robbie
I have been running for about 2 months. No special hardware I have a macbook pro with 2 gig ram, thats it... I dont think I can upgrade, but the machine is GREAT! To be totaly honest I would not recomend any other laptop.

I run SW 2006 / 2007 and all is good I am sure it would be fine with earlier versions


Check out my Video Podcast of SW tutorials.
I bought a new 17" MacBook Pro over the weekend and couldn't be happier!

I'm replacing a 6 month old Dell Deminsion 5150 desktop with a 3 GHz P4, 4 GB RAM, an Nvidia Quadro FX540, and WD Raptor 10,000 rpm hard drive (not an entry level system).

I used the Solidworks stastics tool to compare rebuild times on a typical plastic design: 6.3 seconds on the Dell, 6.78 sec on the MacBook.

The MacBook has a 5400 rpm HD and only 1 GB RAM (I can upgrade to 2). RealGraphics doesn't work on the MacBook.
Edited by: Sailor37
anyone try on a Macbook, not the macbook pro? I've been trying to find out
information on this topic for a little while. The biggest concern is the
integrated vid card on the macbook. Wondering if it will bog it down to
I'm using a Macbook Pro Core Duo 2.0Ghz 2GB RAM 128MB VRAM with
Solidworks and I think they works wonderful together!
Just got a SpaceNavigator from 3DC, and that was pure efficiency
injection (and great fun too :))

I'm on a student version right now, but getting a 2007 office pro license
This will be the single biggest investment I've done in my life so far.

The only thing that is not working very well for my set up is when running
my MBP on battery. It goes very slow, and I cant open normal size
assemblies, it just takes forever to open, if they do so at all.
I think this might have something to do with a bad XP-install, or do you
guys have the same problem?

Also, how well will SW use multiprocessors? if I get a Mac Pro later on?

I do mechanical-construction and design, coming from university classes
in ProEngineer and Rhino but is self taught in SW (thanks Ben and others
for tutorials) and some Lightwave.

I came to the conclusion that SW is THE app for product-development :)
The renderer isnt the very best, but I have the option to use Maxwell if I
ever need to over do things ;)
Initially I were about to get the ful SW premium package, but
CosmosExpress will
do for now, I cant cash the extra that Cosmos will cost me. Floworks
would have been cool too, but way to pricy. They should bundle maxwell
and xflow instead.

Edited by: m_collner

