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Apply Full Round to (Circular) Boss


New member

Is it possible to apply Radius using Full Round option to the top edge of a circular boss.

Edited by: ManishN
A full round is applied between two surfaces not to an edge. So if your boss has a hole in it yes you can apply a full round. You would select the inner and outer circular surfaces as references and the top surface as the driving surface.
Create a datum point on center at the top of the circular
boss, then create a round using the point as a reference
for the radius value.
Thank you kdem & spidernate.

@spidernate - Yes, that i tried. But what if there are more bosses. If they were of the same size, i can select all of them in 1 go. I was looking for an easier option.

Perhaps your bosses should have been revolved features?
or maybe you could construct one boss and do a surface pattern?

