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Applying a sketch to a revolved bowl


New member
Hello all !

I'm a pretty experienced pro-E user but don't usually have the need to work with quilts or surfaces. I've volunteered myself to help out on a little side project of a more "artistic" nature and it means using some techniques I'm not entirely sure about. I'm hoping one of you guys can save me hours of trawling though help files and give me some quick pointers.

The problem

- I will be producing a thin gauge "spun" metallic bowl with a pretty pattern "pierced" into/through it.

- The bowl will start as a flat disc and the pattern will be scribed onto it before spinning.

- After spinning the pattern will be (pain-stakingly) pierced out using shears.

- This is a one-off piece.

The idea

- I want to be able to draw the "flat" pattern in sketcher mode and then "wrap" it onto the surface of a simple revolved bowl.

- Once the correct pattern is achieved it will be used to produce a full-size sheet steel template.

I hope this is clear enough to understand. Any pointers ??

All advice greatly appreciated.


ps, I'm running WF3

Any thoughts, guys ?

Been reading some old threads and it looks like flattening a quilt might be an option.

I hope my explanation was clear enough - hoping to try out some ideas tomorrow but any pointers greatly appreciated.
Well, I read it a couple of times, but am not 100% sure. I think I can help but any sketches are under a confidentiality contract I suppose? Maybe make a hand sketch it would help alot.


Will try and post a sketch tomorrow but my dodgy artwork might cloud the issue even further
Imagine a bowl with a pretty floral pattern on the side and you're on the right lines.

The problem I've got is that the pattern section is so 'non-uniform' that I can't contemplate drawing it in anything other than a "flat" projection. I just need to know how to wrap/project this around the outer surface of the bowl.

I usually model modular fabrications using relations and family tables - surfaces just aren't my thing. A few pointers would be a god-send.



Thanks for your replies.

I've done a bit of a trial and I think that will work (although I'm struggling to produce cuts rather than extrudes in the sheet metal blank !!).

Assuming I can sort it out I'll post an image of the rendered model.

Thanks again,


