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arc length in dimension


New member
hi to all,

is there any way to give arc length in dimension in skecker mode.

You could just math it!
Use the power of mental thinking!

But no, I'm not sure if you can directly assign arc length. It's possible, but I would assume that you just have to use the standard constraints to math it out.
I dont think so !

to dimension the length of arcs in sketcherI always create a centre line, dimension that from start point of arc, then delete after ive created the arc.
I didn't tried this on arcs but I think you may be able to create a perimeter dimension on that arc that will give you the length.
I would like to hear about these perimeter/arc length dimensions inside of sketcher, because as far as I know I dont think it is possible.
I think this is what Vlad is talking about.

How can a perimeter dimension be placed on arc in sketcher mode?

Alternate Technique
See Resolution below.

When in Sketcher mode, create an arc, select the arc so that it is highlighted in red, pick #Edit, #Convert To, #Perimeter, and then select the radius dimension. This will change the radius dimension to a perimeter dimension.

I just checked this out:

1) draw an arc in sketcher

2) create dimension

3)click on arc

4) click on each of the end points

5)place dimension

If I remember correctly, this functionality goes back to v19, and is still the same today.


I guess I messed up, the dimension given is in degrees, and you want to know the length... sigh... bed-time...


