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As-Stored drw - not the latest part?


New member
We retrieve the as-stored baseline when we publish drawings because of the following:
Let's say Dave has checked in and promoted a drawing and part. Mike is working on an assembly that contains Dave's part. Mike somehow changes the part and unintentionally checks the part in with a wrong dimension when he checks in his assembly and a bunch of other parts that he has changed.

The As-Stored base line will publish Dave's part and drawing the way Dave intended.

The Latest baseline will publish Dave's drawing with Mike's part, not what Dave intended.

To resolve your issue you need to force the drawing to save, the easiest way with out changing the drawing is to save status for the layers or just simply move a note or dimension slightly on the face of the drawing.

we have found the following scenario to happen:
Load part and drawing into Pro/E
Modify a dimension on the part
Save the part - Pro/E saves it and ups the version Save the drawing - Pro/E does not save the file because it says that the drawing has not changed, i.e. the version does not get upped Check-in the part and drawing - Pro/Intralink checks-in the part (because the version has changed) but does not check in the drawing (because the drawing has not changed) The Next guy retrieves the drawing "As-Stored" - he does not get the latest part model with the drawing.
If our macro is checking out "As-stored" (after I promote the drawing from Prototype to Awaiting_Release or to Released) then your macro is the "Next guy" stated above; hence, the wrong part version is generated on the PDF. Isn't this a problem?
Does anyone have a program written to rev up all the as-stored drawings not pointing to the latest version of the prt/asm?

Thank You
David K. Lucas
Senior Designer
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P.O. Box 1673
Altoona, PA. 16603
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