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Ask for helmet modeling


New member
Hi all,

I am trying to model a bicycle-helemt and i dont not how can i do it by using Pro/E. I use 'style' tool to import those images into Pro/E and created 2 curves which are the side one and the top one.

What is the next step i need to do? Thanks.

I have attached a helmet built by my fd.
luckly to You, this subject was a frequent guest here in Mcad. There is no one place to collect all valid information but, within small effort it is possible.

First, this model is not that hard. Biggest problem is to start, and this is not easy because Pro/E does not like 3 or 5 sided surfaces. You have to over come them.

I suggest to read this post first - <a href="" target="_blank"> 731&KW

