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.asm family table from family parts?

Assemble the generic part into the assembly.

Add the generic part (component) to family table of assembly.
Then type in the instance name of compoent foreach instances of assembly.

Instance Name M12 (123-gen)
456-gen&nbsp ;Y
456-11 123-11
456-22 123-22
456-33 123-33
Rather than typing, you can select the cell you want to change then select Tools/Replace Using/Family Member. Avoids making typing errors with complicated model names.
Hey Guys,

There is also another slick way:

Withthe generic asmincluding its generic components opengo to Tools,Family table. add an instance or more, with it selected go to Tools,Configure Assembly Components, this will bring up the "Assembly Instance Configurator" now selectthe generic of the part you want to replace and click the "Replace with Family Table Member" button and select the instance. This way is handy when you have multiple instances to replace.

I was going nuts before I learned this because every time I repaced an instance it would replace it an all my assemblies.

