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Assembly Constraints


New member
I am struggling setting up assembly constraints on one or two parts in my assembly. After some trying, I put these questions on hold, temporarily constrain the part(s) and than move foward to assemble the next component. My question is: Once a part is fully constrained, I can't seem to get back to "Edit Definition." It's no longer an option when I right click the part in the model tree. If I want to try another constraint type on an already constrained part, I actually have to delete the part from the assembly and re-insert it in order to have access to the Constraint Dialogue box. Is this right? seems crazy that I can't re-access the constraint dialogue box. I using Wildfire 3.

I just noticed, this only happens with user defined constraints--sliders, planars and such, because I am trying to make a special bolt rotate on a helical curve by spinning the helix. However, if I use plain mates and aligns, I can always re-access "Edit Definition."


Edited by: AoEd
You should be able to select Edit Definition. There are some instances where I've noticed Edit Definition wasn't an option but selecting something else in the model tree and then selecting the feature or part again made it show up in the list again. You could try that. Can you post a picture of the list you are getting when you right click on a part?
Thanks for the help. I had to work around the issue to get the print package out. I need to return to the problem in a day or two. Thank you.

