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Assembly Cross Section with Solid parts?


New member
Does anyone know how to make a cross section view in an assembly and then have parts in the assembly show as full instead of in the cross section?


Are you talking about views in a drawing or in assembly mode? In the drawing you just double click on the cross hatching and toggle threw the components and pick exclude component. You can't do that in assembly (at least in WF2). You have to make an assembly cut & then pick which parts to intersect.
Yes, view in a drawing... the Assembly is displayed as a cross section view.

When I followed your advice the component that I wanted to show as full, didn't.

Here is a similar example to what I am trying to do. Let's say you make a cross section on a clothes pin that has a spring. Your section goes right through the middle of the spring. You don't want the spring to be sectioned, you want it to be full. How do you do that?

Thanks again,

Do it like I said but there is one more thing you have to do. After you have finished modifying the cross section pick View/Update/Drawing View and pick your section then MMB. Or just do the Current Sheet or All Sheets. I have this part of a Mapkey so I never have to do it.

