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Assembly Cuts


New member
This may be a stupid question, but I'll ask anyway.

Is there a way to make cuts or holes in an assembly (made solely of externaly created parts), and then create the piece parts with these holes present?

Simple example:
Rectangular sheet metal piece.
Inserted into assembly.
Holes made on assembly level.

a) Can I depict just the sheetmetal part with these cuts by itself in a drawaing?
b) Can I do this to the 30 parts in an assembly w/o much hassle?
Let me specify what I am trying to accomplish. I want to be able to place holes in the part and insert parts into the holes.

What I'm trying to do from here is group the holes and the inserted parts so that I can group them and supress the both of them at the same time. I know I can accomplish this by suppressing the part in the assembly and then suppressing the hole in the sheetmetal part, but I'm trying to make this process simpler for others to use.

I can do what I intended correctly, but of course the original sheetmetal part by itself is still just a sheet with no holes. Is there a way to capture the part with the assembly level holes by itself and display it in a drawing (for production). I'm sure I can do this through simplified reps, but I will have to do this for all of my piece parts.

I know that chances are slim to none on this one, but I just figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.
You can change the level that assembly cuts are visible, at the assembly only or at both the part level & the assembly. Just redefine the intersection of the assembly cut.
I want to thank all of you for the above information. Saved me a lot of time. I do have another question dealing with the same subject. I've used the above method to create a thru holes on the assembly. That is now showing in the .prt file. i wanted to know if itspossible to have the axis of the feature displayed in the .prt and .drw level? I can do this manually in the .prt but i have to do it to every hole feature that i created. I need the axis for deminsioning purposes. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Not really sure what you are asking but unfortunately you have to add an axis to each hole one at a time. To get axis to show in the drawing, go to the Show/Erase dialog box (View>Show/Erase) and select the axis button. Check the View option in the Show By area and select the view. All of the axis will appear. Pick the Sel to Keep button. Select the axis you want to show.
One caution:

Do not ever redefine the placement of the sheetmetal part and use an assembly cut as a reference. Instant circular references.

