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Assembly Merge - Invalid Selection


New member
I am using Pro/E Wildfire 2.0. I am trying to use the component operations in an assembly to merge all of the components into one model. When trying to select the largest component "to perform MERGE process to", I receive the message "invalid selection; try again."

I have also tried using one of the smaller components as the part that I am merging to, but when trying to merge the largest piece, pro/e makes a copy of this part. Suppressing the unmerged large component suppresses all of the other parts in the model.

Does anybody know how to make this large component a valid selection or make it so that it does not copy itself when merging to other components?

I had to alter the accuracy of the largest component to allow me to merge it to the smaller components. I could not figure out how to make the accuracy change to absolute (as shown in other FAQ's I found), so I just reduced it to a level that allowed me to merge the parts.
Check to make sure all the components are fully constrained in the assembly. That has caused me some issues before.
I had all of the components fully constrained, but one was using a point on a line constraint. I switched this to using an offset distance from a datum. Both times they were fully constrained and both time I have received the same error.
No tangent faces or edges. I am using and alignment of a cylinder and a datum offset, and then an orientation placement with another datum to prevent rotation.
That would be against my companies policies, so I am afraid not.

I am mainly trying to merge them together so that I may add radii for the prototype casting house to work with easier. Almost like welding the parts together. Is there any other method that can be used to create a "weld" in certain regions?
Here are some images (iso and exploded views). Hopefully this helps.

I don't know what datecode we are running for WF2 or how to decipher this?

It looks like the faces that connect to the round tubes are tangent to them. Have you tried assembling the parts so that there is a slight interference between them before merging? Try that and if it works then the tangent faces are causing the issue.

<div style="text-align: center;">

<div style="text-align: left;">Also to check the date code go to Help --> About Pro/e. The window that pops up should tell you that date code. Date code is equivalent to the version of WF2 you are using.
Edited by: jsantangelo
We are using datecode M090, which looks pretty old compared to the current M280. Looks like we need to upgrade to this latest patch.

The faces are tangent, but are constrained by an alignment of the two radii similar to constraining a pin into a hole. I increased the size of the tube to allow overlap like you mentioned, and am still having the same problems.

Maybe updating the datecode might help, but we have done a similar merge to other models without having this much trouble.
I haven't any experience of doing this butwith large components I have found the accuracy can mess things up. Alter the accuracy (both relative and absolute) and see if that helps.

My problems with accuracy occurred in sheet metal parts where I had various lengths from 300mm up to 2000mm with various features. The smaller configurations worked fine but the larger ones failed. Altering the accuracy sorted this problem. It might not solve your problem but it's worth a go.
make your large model active in your assembly. copy the surfaces of the cylinders and use solidify to attach them to the main model. Add your radii and after you exportthen just go into the large part model and delete from the copy down.

I adjusted the relative and absolute accuracies, but was still having the same problem. I can still merge the large component to the small tubes, but it makes a copy of the large component. It still says that the component is an "invalid selection" when I try to merge the other components to this larger one.

I tried to use the solidify tool, but wasn't able to select individual surfaces on the cylinders. I activated the large model, but am still only able to select the cylinders as a whole.

I think that because I am using the same component model for both of the cylinders and support bars, when I try to merge parts to these, a copy of the larger component is created. Thus I need to somehow figure out how to make the large component a valid selection (like in the other similar models I created), to allow this to merge properly or figure out how to use the solidify tool better.
I created a little cube that I placed inside all of the other components and used this as my feature to merge all of the other components to. This isn't the greatest way of creating the part, but it will function for what I need it to do.

Thanks everyone for their input.
Hi Guys
I think there is no matter of accuracy, otherwise you will be prompted for it. Please try this, assemble a blank part in to assy, then go to merge command, first you select the blank part then you select the other part (I think you can select more then one part but cant confirm until tomorrow morning). So all your parts will become a single part as a new one. I will try to confirm this in morning (if I remember to do this
That's about the same thing that I did, except I created a little cube that was going to be covered up by the rest of the components. I did go back into the merged model and was able to remove the cube, thus creating a blank part should work fine also.
I just verify it by trying. I dont know ur steps in detail, so please check it. after selecting the merge command, select the blank part and mmb, then select all parts then mmb. it will be ok. Now I will try to do this with tangent part.

Edited by: Zaki


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