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Assembly Motion in Drawing

Texas Drafter

New member
i have several assemblies that i have used joints as my constraint so i can move these entities in my model to show our customer how our machine operates. when i move the part in my model it also moves it on my drawing and repositions the drawing view messing up my balloons and dimensions. is there a way that i can create a view in my drawing with the machine in the position i want and lock it so that even if i move that part in my model the drawing view will maintain the position of those parts where i locked it? for example i have an arm on my machine that starts at a horizontal position and pivots upward to almost vertical. i want my drawing view to show that arm in the horizontal position and stay there even if i go to my model and pivot the arm up.
I think that you can do that by creating a new position in your assembly's tree (under Representations, right-click Position and click New). Then, when you place views in your drawing, you choose the position that remains fixed; when you are demonstrating for a customer, you use the other position.

