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Assembly relation to modify part


New member

I am trying to use an assembly relation to drive dimensions of a part.

I have a belt drive and I use assembly relations to set the belt length and the diameter of the pulleys it goes around.

for example,


if I highlight the left side of the equation the dimension appears in the model assembly. If I ask to evaluate the left side of the equation the result is 3.00 (default of the part). When I regenerate the assembly, nothing changes.

This worked flawlessly in WF2 and since we've upgraded to WF4 I've had problems... with this assembly and others.

Anybody know why my assembly relationship isn't flowing down to the part?

Thank you.

Cincinnati, Ohio

P.S. I copied this post from another area hoping for some advice/solution. Forgive me if I've violated a forum code of conduct.
[url] 704&PN=1[/url]

