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assembly windows


New member
greetings all..

having problems with subwindows when assembling a component to an assembly...

When I want to assemble a component that is already opened into an assembly, and using the seperate assembly window feature (having a small window showing the intended part to be assembled), the window does not resize correctly. The assembly window remains it's full size and will not resize to the correct (smaller) window.

This only happens when the part is already opened. When assembling a part that is not already opened, there is no problems (the secondary window is small resizeable).

I'm using Wildfire 2.

Is there a config setting for this problem or is it a bug that still being worked on... will I have to pay $$ for the PTC-will-fix-it patch?


I don't think that there is a config setting to correct this, but there is a workaround.

Right-click on the icon of the current window on the windows toolbar & choose to Lower the window - it lets the other window be seen easily.

