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assigning a weight


New member
I seem to remember a way to assign a part a specific weight that would stay the same even if the part size changes. Is this available or am I dreaming again.
Creo 2.0 M60
You can set up a parameter called weight. Then use a relation to change the density of the part based on the weight and volume.

mp_density= weight/mp_volume("")

That is how I control the weight of purchased items.
After create the new parameter in the name of "weight".

Then type this relation in the relation window.
The quickest way I know requires you to know the density of the material.

1. Go to (in Creo 2.0) Anaylsis -> Model Report -> Mass Properties.
2. In this window enter in the density in the density field. Make sure you understand what units the model is set to.
3. Hit the eye glasses button in the bottom left and you will see the mass of the part along with a bunch of other data.
Creo have OOTB a function to add a fixed weight.
File - Prepare - model Properties - Mass Properties - Change
In "Define Properties by" you select " Geometry and Parameters". Now you can type the Mass in field "Mass.
Now select Calculate. In generate report you can see the weight.
This function is also in WildFire using different menus.
The weight will be stored in system parameter "pro_mp_mass"



Johannes von Zastrow
Channel Technical Manager

