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Assmbly component is not in session


New member
Dear all,

Pl help me to resolve this problem.

I am having an assembly. Let us consider that as level (L).

This L level is having a sub-assembly. Let this be the level (L-1)

This L-1 level is having some 10 components. In this level Let us consider a component X121.prt

This component is having array of holes patterned.

Now I am putting bolt in the holes in level (L) and it is patterned using reference pattern.

After this the component X121.prt is ready for erasing from the session, though it is visible on the screen.

Once we click ok, the component X121.prt is completely erased from the session and it is not displayed on the screen.

Now I am again opening X121.prt component and bringing into session. Now I am suppressing the patterned bolts. I am closing the X121.prt window also.

Now I am erasing the Not displayed objects. Obviously the Bolt is being erased from the session. But the X121.prt is still in session.

Pl help me why this problem exists?


If you still have the assembly open the part is still in session. In session refers to every object open in every window, not necessarily in it's own window.


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